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Tutorial 2.5 - Simulating data

27 Mar 2017

Individual variables (vectors)

Most statisticians strongly recommend that research questions be designed around sets of well defined statistical procedures. This ensures that the eventual data analyses remain possible and relatively straightforward. Furthermore, many would recommend the generation and mock analysis of dummy data sets that approximate the anticipated structure and variability of the anticipated data. This enables many of the common data analysis problems to be anticipated, thereby allowing solutions to be considered prior to data collection. Dummy data sets are usually created by filling the response variable(s) (and continuous predictor variables) with random data.

R uses the Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator (RNG) with a random number sequence cycle of $2^{19937} - 1$. All random number generators have what is known as a 'seed'. This is a number that uniquely identifies a series of random number sequences. Strictly, computer generated random numbers are 'pseudo-random' as the sequences themselves are predefined. However, with such a large number of possible sequences ($2^{19937} - 1$), for all intents and purposes they are random. By default, the initial random seed is generated from the computer clock (milliseconds field) and is therefore unbiased. However, it is also possible to specify a random seed. This is often useful for error-checking functions. Additionally, it also facilitates learning how to perform randomizations, as the same outcomes can be repeated.

R has a family of functions (see the following Table) that extract random numbers from a range of mathematical distributions that represent the common sampling and statistical distributions encountered in biology.

DistributionExample syntax
Normal (gaussian) Generate 5 random numbers from a normal distribution with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 1
[1]  8.071531  8.544727 11.222091 10.318727  9.783264
Log-normal Generate 5 random numbers from a log-normal distribtution whose logarithm has a mean of 2 and a standard deviation of 1
[1] 7.496357 4.077878 7.872193 3.063754 3.865319
Exponential Generate 5 random numbers from a exponential distribtution with a lambda rate of 2
[1] 0.01285233 0.15786292 0.44019651 0.10174078 0.09513809
Uniform Generate 5 random numbers from a uniform distribution with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10
runif(5, min=2, max=10)
[1] 4.913912 4.360669 2.879489 2.544072 4.805009
Binomial Generate 5 random numbers from a binomial distribution based on 10 Bernoulli trials and a probability of success of 0.5 per trial
rbinom(5, size=10, prob=0.5)
[1] 7 6 4 4 4
Negative binomial Generate 5 random numbers from a negative binomial distribution based on 10 Bernoulli trials and a $\mu$ of 4
rnbinom(5, size=10, mu=4)
[1] 6 6 0 2 6
Poisson Generate 5 random numbers from a Poisson distribution with a lambda parameter of 4
rpois(5, lambda=4)
[1] 3 2 5 6 5

Dummy data sets

This concept can be extended to generating sets of vectors that have certain individual and collective properties.

For example, imagine that you were interested in examining the effect of four different nitrogen treatments (N1, N2, N3, N4) on the growth rate of a particular species of plant. An ANOVA design appeared suitable for your intended experimental design, and you prudently decided to run a mock analysis prior to data collection.

Previous studies had indicated that the growth rate of the plant species was normally distributed with a mean of around 250 mm per year with a standard deviation of about 20 mm, and you had decided (for whatever reason) to have 3 replicates of each treatment. Furthermore, compared to N1 (sort of a control), N2, N3 and N4 where expected to reduce the growth rate by 10,20 and 50 mm per year. Using these criteria it is possible to generate a dummy data set.

#create the response variable with four sets of 3 random numbers from a normal distribution
GROWTH.RATE <- c(rnorm(3,mean=250, sd=20), rnorm(3,mean=240,sd=20), rnorm(3,mean=230, sd=20),
  rnorm(3,mean=200, sd=20))
#create the nitrogen treatment factor with four levels each replicated 3 times
TREATMENT <- gl(4,3,12,lab=paste('N',1:4,sep=""))
#combine the vectors into a dataframe
1     217.0711        N1
2     222.3915        N1
3     249.8471        N1
4     226.9847        N2
5     263.5522        N2
6     249.9296        N2
7     228.0719        N3
8     220.1417        N3
9     206.3110        N3
10    195.5114        N4
11    198.5820        N4
12    216.1429        N4

A much more elegant (yet technically more advanced) approach is to generate the response by calculating the outer product of the expected coefficients and the design (model) matrix. This is the approach is effectively the reverse of the statistical modeling process and is also the technique used to generate data sets used in the tutorial series.

# define the expected effects coefficients
BASE <- 250
SD <- 20
N.effects <- c(-10,-20,-50)
ALL.effects <- c(BASE,N.effects)
# create the nitrogen treatment factor with four levels each replicated 3 times
TREATMENT <- gl(4,3,12,lab=paste('N',1:4,sep=""))
# create the model matrix
XMAT <- model.matrix(~TREATMENT)
# calculate the outer product of the effects parameters and the model matrix
GROWTH.RATE <- as.numeric(ALL.effects %*% t(XMAT)) + rnorm(12,0,SD)
#combine the vectors into a dataframe
1     255.8536        N1
2     254.8708        N1
3     241.8815        N1
4     254.8649        N2
5     215.5755        N2
6     220.7445        N2
7     260.7054        N3
8     220.2532        N3
9     243.6722        N3
10    204.5869        N4
11    212.1512        N4
12    175.1708        N4

For multifactor designs, the expand.grid() function provides a convenient way to generate dataframes containing all combinations of one or more factors. Following from the previous example, imagine you now wanted to create mock data for a two factor (nitrogen treatment and season) ANOVA design. A dummy data set could be created as follows:

# define the expected effects coefficients
#mean growth rate in winter with N1 treatment
BASE <- 250
SD <- 20
#nitrogen effects
N.effects <- c(-10,-20,-50)
#season effects
S.effects <- 40
#interaction effects
I.effects <- c(10,5,-5)
ALL.effects <- c(BASE,N.effects,S.effects,I.effects)
# create the nitrogen treatment factor with four levels and the season treatment factor with two levels and with 3 replicates of each combination
X <- expand.grid(rep=1:3,SEASON=c("WINTER","SUMMER"), TREATMENT=paste("N",1:4,sep=""))
# create the model matrix
XMAT <- model.matrix(~TREATMENT*SEASON, data=X)
# calculate the outer product of the effects parameters and the model matrix
GROWTH.RATE <- as.numeric(ALL.effects %*% t(XMAT)) + rnorm(24,0,SD)
#combine the vectors into a dataframe
1     270.8447          N1   WINTER
2     231.6353          N1   WINTER
3     270.6817          N1   WINTER
4     306.9407          N1   SUMMER
5     283.9610          N1   SUMMER
6     284.4013          N1   SUMMER
7     233.9044          N2   WINTER
8     271.2367          N2   WINTER
9     254.0034          N2   WINTER
10    289.8781          N2   SUMMER
11    313.9714          N2   SUMMER
12    307.8634          N2   SUMMER
13    253.2728          N3   WINTER
14    214.2920          N3   WINTER
15    206.1691          N3   WINTER
16    267.3112          N3   SUMMER
17    259.5184          N3   SUMMER
18    337.7054          N3   SUMMER
19    236.3569          N4   WINTER
20    213.0547          N4   WINTER
21    225.8168          N4   WINTER
22    222.7644          N4   SUMMER
23    260.2253          N4   SUMMER
24    250.7643          N4   SUMMER

These data can now be subject to the statistical and graphical procedures. Dummy data sets are also useful for examining the possible impacts of missing data and unbalanced designs.

As indicated above, there are many more examples of simulating data in the tutorial series. The complexity of the data similations increase in complexity as the underlying designs become more complex.

Exponential family of distributions

The exponential distributions are a class of continuous distribution which can be characterized by two parameters. One of these parameters (the location parameter) is a function of the mean and the other (the dispersion parameter) is a function of the variance of the distribution. Note that recent developments have further extended generalized linear models to accommodate other non-exponential residual distributions.

End of instructions